September Blog – Check out the latest updates

Latest Software Updates

By Ashby Crutchfield

September 2018

Updates! Updates! Updates!

We heard your suggestions and we are rolling out new features to make your all-in-one parent group software easier than ever. Check out some of the latest updates that are now live. Remember to check back for more to come.

Store Inventory

Create a product using the inventory feature so you can select how many items are in stock to manage your inventory worry-free. Review the Products Help Article to go over your product set up and try it out today!

Archiving Orders

Export all of your order details for safe keeping then you can archive last year's orders. In just a few simple steps, clean up the orders details section for a fresh start this year. Check out the help article that will walk you through archiving last year's orders.

Room Parents

Let Room Parents help you! Room Parents can add students to their teachers classroom and update any information that may be missing or incorrect in the database. They can also email their classroom important information. Check out the Room Parents help articles to learn more.

Text Messaging

Room Parents and Teachers can now text their classroom urgent information. Updating the Room Parent and Teacher settings to allow them to email will also grant them access to text their class. Review the help article below to see how easy it is to send out the first text.

Digital Backpack

This is the perfect way to share and communicate to parents with any school or parent group updates by posting to the Digital Backpack. Get your Room Parents and Teacher involved too!

So how does it work? Admins, Room Parents, Teachers and Staff can post flyers and important documents to the Digital Backpack making it easier for you and your parents to access these documents within the app. No more misplaced or lost communications!

Upload a document. When you log in as the admin, you can locate the Digital Backpack section by going to Communications > Digital Backpack. Click on the "Add New" button to upload an article.

Grant Teachers Access. You can grant Teacher & Staff access by updating the Teacher & Staff Settings located in the Setup section. They will be able to view Digital Backpack flyers and they have an "Add New" button on this page since they now have authorization to post to their classroom.

Grant Room Parent Access. Update the Room Parent settings under Roles. Then you can assign parents as a Room Parent for a specific teacher. They will also be able to view the Digital Backpack flyers and they have an "Add New" button option since they now have authorization to post to their classroom.

You can update the recipient list and frequency of the Digital Backpack mailing list by clicking on the edit button. Check out the Digital Overview article to help you make your selections.

Update Settings. The Digital Backpack schedule/frequency is located under Mailing & Subscription List. We have loaded this Mailing List for you and all users in the database are subscribed to this list. Subscribed Users will be emailed once a week on Mondays if any new items have been uploaded. The Digital Backpack email will let users know a new article posted and display a thumbnail of each new post. Users can click on the flyer which will direct them to log into the app. Once logged in, they are directed to the Digital Backpack to view the post with the option to view, download or print.